Purpose: To develop stronger bonds within the parish and to make Jesus Christ the center
of all activities within this Christian Community. A community in which
parishioners find nourishment, motivation, support so that may truly become
“the salt of the earth and the light of the world.”
Goal: To make the climate of the parish inviting and exciting, both to those within and those
beyond its membership.
Community Spirit ~ To assist in making the parish a community in which people can
come to know one another, to share their lives and concerns, and to
find support for their faith.
Communication ~ To ensure good communication among all groups in the parish and to
provide effective publicity for parish events.
Ecumenism ~ To initiate and support the growth of mutual understanding and common
action among the different Faiths.
Reaching Out ~ To maintain active programs of reaching out to non-practicing Catholics
and the unchurched.